Feeling Lost Along Your Journey?

Anyone who steps off of the beaten path to change their career, or follow a Spiritual Calling or dream, is bound to feel disoriented or discombobulated from time to time. Here I share some advice based on my experience of following my passion into my dream career -- a process I embarked upon when I left corporate America in 1992 -- and landing on my feet. Since I began working for myself and pursuing my Spiritual Calling, even thought I'm self employed I haven't looked for work for over 10 years.

The Power of (That) One

We don’t get to see this type of public example very often, so it’s important that we not miss the opportunity to learn. Barack Obama personifies the consummate example of the power of one person's spirit -- in particular, a vision carried out withtremendous determination and mastery, unwavering focus and commitment.
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