Leading a client through a 2-day VIP weekend with a kitchen cabinet of dear friends, as he turned the page to life’s next phase.
Do you find yourself feeling a little bit blue when Sunday evening rolls around? Do you repeatedly hit snooze or drag yourself to the kitchen to get your first cup of coffee every morning? While sitting in front of your computer at the J.O.B., do you find yourself fantasizing about taking a mental-health day, having time to work on a dream project, or using unspent vacation days to do, well, anything but work—that’s how unfulfilled and uninspired your job leaves you?
If so, you’re not alone.
According to Gallup’s “State of the American Workforce” report, approximately 70 percent of American workers feel disengaged at work. Many haven’t felt connected to their job in a very long time.
Why do people feel so disconnected from work?
People’s reasons vary.
Maybe a boss or a coworker with poor people skills sucks the energy out of you each time they come around. The one whose emotional intelligence is so low that no one understands why they are in charge.
Perhaps your once-enjoyable career or workplace transformed as automation, downsizing, offshoring (or all of the above) made a place you once appreciated now set your nerves on edge even after you go home.
Then again, honestly, maybe it’s you who’s changed. Could be the clock’s winding down because that season in your life is about over. You discovered different interests; your children are more independent; those obligations have been met; life has transformed you into a totally different person. It’s you who’ve outgrown that phase of your life and the beliefs and mindsets that came with it.
No matter the reason, you deserve—and can have—better.
But the change process can be fraught with uncertainty.
After muddling through for so many years, you may wonder if any work will ever set your heart aflutter. Or, you may know exactly what dream you want to follow but feel afraid to let go of a high salary, prestigious career, or sure paycheck. (Well, it’s not completely certain, but it’s secure enough—at least for now.) You can’t just get up and quit; you have a mortgage, tuition, responsibilities. Even the thought of leaving makes your blood pressure rise. But the thought of staying and doing nothing? That’s worse.
From feeling lost and uncertain to clear and on purpose — in two short days!
There’s no way in the world you’d give up on yourself.
But how do you get there from here?
Great question — one that, if engaged, can change your life!
The good news is, you don’t need to consider it alone.
As a result of working with me, people who are outgrowing their job or career, push past fear, uncover their current passion, and develop strategies to step into their new season professionally. I support people ready to end the uncertainty, gain greater clarity, and break free from outdated parts of themselves so they can experience more joy, fulfillment and impact.
I offer individual coaching to a select handful of highly motivated people who are ready to invest in their personal development, including:
Fearless & Free 6-Month Individual Coaching Package
Fearless & Free VIP Day or VIP Weekend